Today with JE and GM, we learned how to install new tires on wheels, and started rebuilding the bicycle. This involved modifying the length of a chain using a chain tool, and putting back together the ball bearing cups, ball bearings, crank, chain-wheel and pedals.
We ran into a couple of problems: When installing the spring fork, we realized that the fork would bump into the tank when turning. We had to make a hard choice - tank or spring fork? We chose to keep the tank and to install a regular cruiser fork, which we need to paint before installing. Also the coaster hub was making a funny noise when activated by the chain. This was easily solved: the driving cone had been reassembled backward, and just needed to be inverted.
This is what a Komet coaster hub looks like when taken apart (driving cone is part K107):
Side note: We obtained a brand new cruiser chain by bartering with
The Green Avengers. They had a thick chain, inadequate for their bicycle electricity generator, and we had a thin chain in our parts bank. So we swapped and offered them our expertise and services in chain customization.