Monday, November 30, 2015

Meeting # 5 - Rebuilding- 11/30/2015

Today with JE and GM, we learned how to install new tires on wheels, and started rebuilding the bicycle. This involved modifying the length of a chain using a chain tool, and putting back together the ball bearing cups, ball bearings, crank, chain-wheel and pedals.

We ran into a couple of problems: When installing the spring fork, we realized that the fork would bump into the tank when turning. We had to make a hard choice - tank or spring fork? We chose to keep the tank and to install a regular cruiser fork, which we need to paint before installing. Also the coaster hub was making a funny noise when activated by the chain. This was easily solved: the driving cone had been reassembled backward, and just needed to be inverted.

This is what a Komet coaster hub looks like when taken apart (driving cone is part K107):

Side note: We obtained a brand new cruiser chain by bartering with The Green Avengers. They had a thick chain, inadequate for their bicycle electricity generator, and we had a thin chain in our parts bank. So we swapped and offered them our expertise and services in chain customization.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Truing a Wheel

To day, during a free block, junior wheelmaster JD trued the wheel that we built yesterday. He used a truing stand and a #2 spoke wrench. Now the hub is perfectly centered and the wheel will not vibrate when riding.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Meeting # 4 - Wheel Building - 11/9/2015

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory donated these two mountain bikes to the club after hearing that we were looking for 26" wheels. So we took apart two wheels and put aside the rims and spokes to recycle in our project.

With the help of seniors TZ and JE, junior JD, and Middle School students RK, GM and JH, we reassembled one of those rims and spokes with our original Komet 1960s coaster hub. We learned that spokes, woven in criss cross triangular pattern give both strength and flexibility to the wheel, and allow for some level of shock absorption.

Notice that we opted for a white T-shirt as a trademark for our MPH bicycle mechanic's outfit.


Next time we'll build the front wheel. At some point before the end the week we'll learn how to true a wheel on a truing stand. We'll also apply the last coat of paint on the frame, weather permits.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Painting in MPH Colors

Here is our bike's frame after two coats of automotive grade paint. We took advantage of the warm weather this week to paint outside. The frame was hung from a tree with wires outside of the art center, and spray painted by US students JD, AP and me, with the help of MS student GL.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Meeting # 3 - priming - 11/2/2015

Today we've finished to sand the frame and chain guard, and we've applied a coat of primer. Since it's warm this week, and we prefer to paint outside, we'll take advantage of the weather to apply three coats of candy apple red as soon as possible.

 GM, sanding the chain guard.

JE and MH, detail sanding the frame after a few rough spots were revealed by the first coat of primer.